Saturday, May 16, 2009

Free Website Contest Terms & Conditions

The contest will be held for a three week period beginning May 16, 2009 and ending June 6, 2009. All participants can enter by emailing The Big Business Show at with the subject line: Free Web. The winner will be randomly selected and announced on The Big Business Show on June 13, 2009. The winning entrant will win a five page basic website designed by Graphix Evolution valued at $1000. This site may contain, but is not limited to, the following features as an example: Home Page, About Us Page, Services Page, Image Gallery, Contact Us Page (with or without contact PHP form), Limited Flash Elements; This free website does not include an ecommerce solution, but this service may be contracted with Graphix Evolution if desired. No purchase is necessary, and no obligation required, however by entering this contest all entrants agree to be contacted by Graphix Evolution after the contest has ended as a follow up to their need for a website or other marketing material needs. For more information please feel free to visit, or call Spencer Loosli at 801-721-5890 or visit

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Show Contests/Give-aways!

Hey we're on Twitter and having a blast! Check us out @bigbusinessshow and come join us!

Also, we're running a couple of contests:

Numero Uno, the first 15 new followers on Twitter will win Ken Blanchard's new book, The One Minute Entrepreneur! Email us at (with "Hall of Fame" in the subject) and tell us who 3 of the Hall of Famers are (any 3!) and include your name and phone number!

Numero Dos, We are also giving away a five page basic website designed by Graphix Evolution valued at $1000. This site may contain, but is not limited to, the following features as an example:
-Home Page
-About Us Page
-Services Page
-Image Gallery
-Contact Us Page (with or without contact PHP form)
-Limited Flash Elements

Again, email us at with "Website Contest" in the subject line to qualify! The first 20 entries will be entered twice!

Don't delay! Email us now! No purchase necessary at all!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Big Business Show - Flirty Aprons and Funding Universe

Last week's show just added to the fantastic list of guests we've been able to highlight on The Big Business Show! During the first hour we had founders Joseph Hansen and Spencer Taylor call in and tell us their inspiring story of how they came up with the concept of Flirty Aprons and how demand for their product has totally exceeded their expectations. The process they used to formulate their business is great! And the timing to have them on the day before Mother's Day was perfect! If you need a gift that will be well-received, for any occassion, check them out at and choose something!

During the second hour we had Brock Blake, CEO of Funding Universe ( join us in studio and talk about the ins and outs of obtaining funding for your business. Whether you are just starting, or need additional rounds of funding, Brock and his team can be a tremendous resource. The story of how Funding Universe got started is very interesting, as well. They are definitely filling a need in the marketplace!

If you missed either of these interviews, or any of the other interviews or shows we've had, come listen to them at and hit the Hall of Fame, or head to iTunes and catch the interviews and entire shows on one of our podcasts!

This coming week we will have in studio Mick Hagen (Founder) and Anne Dwane (CEO) from This interview promises to deliver some great info, along with an exciting story of a company just in its infancy, but already experiencing tremendous success! Don't miss them this coming Saturday from noon to 2 (Mountain Time) on 1280am The Zone, or at from anywhere on the planet!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Last week was the most fun show yet. They seem to be more and more fun. Steve Trumbo gave a great interview, and shared some invaluable insight as to what he's learned through his own entreprenurial experiences. He's a great guy, and we were thrilled to have him on the show.

It was also quite the experience sitting next to Mark Eaton. It's not every day that you get to hang out with a guy who you've watched on TV growing up, not to mention his 7'4" frame is in a league of its own!

However, beyond his height, and even his NBA status, the man is down-to-earth, and was very willing to open up and communicate keys that he's found to his success. We can't wait to have him on the show again in the future!

Today's show will be exciting as well, with Al Garcia and Kirk Weisler, two very independant individuals who, without question, will have some interesting stories and experiences to relate. Can't wait to get this thing started at noon!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Big Business Show Interviews Mark Eaton!

April 25th was a BIG day on the show. Lance and I had the HUGE opportunity to interview an amazing athlete and entrepreneur, Mr. Mark Eaton, #53 of from the Utah Jazz. Mark is a class act and a great motivational speaker. Check him out at . Listen to his full interview on our Hall of Fame link.